TOP 10 SHIPS in STORM! Incredible Monster Waves! A Video You Must See!

TOP 10 SHIPS in STORM! Incredible Monster Waves! A Video You Must See!

Powerful, awesome, unbelievably dangerous yet awe inspiring and beautiful. Bravery, courage.
Seems crazy that in these times of advanced technology we still have to lift those on a sinking ship off 1 by 1 at the end of a helicopter wrench.
Massive, millions of pounds, and completely at the mercy of the sea! Those ships look monstrous near land, but out to sea they're dwarfed by the sheer vastness of it all! A thousand feet long A few thousand tons It means nothing when talking about the power of water! These gigantic massive ships are more like bath toys in those merciless waves!
Every shipping accident has a story to tell.A failed engine, a stupid decision of man in command; modern day ship is built to negotiate disaster.I spent many years at sea( 1976- 2011),I enjoyed all of it.God was always with me.


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