Dangerous Biggest Logging Truck Climbing Skill Fastest Crossing Woode

Dangerous Biggest Logging Truck Climbing Skill Fastest Crossing Wooden Bridges and High Steep Hills

These old trucks deserve there stars and stripes, bumps and bruises, sometimes you can't believe the frame doesn't snap in two, my buddy chains up for the mud, winch on the front bumper to steer the truck, then he sets the cruise at 70mph and goes down the highway, unbelievable torcher, doing it all at hundred thousand pounds
The maintenance schedule on these trucks must be insane, just about the time you feel your very first hint of an air leak/bleed its to late!
I was really confused as to how that kenworth was getting those logs up without awd through the mud...thoroughly impressed.. then you see the dozer trucking along lmao
Always amazes me you think carrying slightly les would be cost effective in fuel and broken parts. it isnt as though these workers are on film star wages.


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